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Table 1 Perceived benefits, perceived barriers and self-efficacy items of housewives in related to fruit consumption (Intervention Group)

From: The impact of a peer-based education on fruits and vegetables intake among housewives


Cronbach's alpha


Mean (before)

Mean (after)


Percieved benefits


Fruit is good for health

4.00 (0.90)

4.81 (0.39)


Fruit can be a substitute for unhealthy foods

3.58 (1.22)

4.61 (0.49)

Fruit intake can help maintain a healthy body weight

3.06 (1.36)

4.70 (0.45)

Fruit intake can prevent the disease

4.03 (1.18)

4.73 (0.44)

Fruit consumption makes you feel freshness

3.93 (0.96)

4.67 (0.50)

The consumption of fruit causes a diets variety

4.24 (0.72)

4.67 (0.47)

The consumption of fruit causes a person to lose his extra weight

3.63 (1.31)

4.60 (0.60)

Fruit consumption provides the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body

4.20 (0.71)

4.81 (0.39)

Fruits contain fiber and antioxidants

4.20 (0.77)

4.78 (0.41)

Fruit consumption somewhat provides water for the body

2.50 (1.23)

4.70 (0.45)

Percieved barriers


I do not have access to fruit

2.33 (1.31)

2.38 (0.89)


Finding delicious fruit is difficult

2.60 (1.35)

2.44 (0.90)

I do not have the facilities for keeping fruit

1.60 (0.70)

2.09 (0.70)

Fruits are not tasty

3.84 (1.41)

2.26 (0.77)

Fruits are expensive

4.07 (0.85)

3.23 (0.91)

Fruits quickly deteriorate

3.18 (1.36)

3.07 (0.97)

I do not have enough time to buy fruit

2.40 (1.11)

2.92 (0.97)

Fruits are contaminated with chemicals due to spraying pesticide

4.12 (0.81)

3.61 (o.76)



Is it hard or easy for you to eat fruit in the following situations:

Ā Ā 


Ā When daily working

3.10 (1.13)

4.20 (0.66)

Ā When you do not have enough time


2.75 (0.66)

Ā When you feel tired

2.47 (1.61)

2.61 (0.72)

Ā When you are sick

2.41 (1.44)

2.49 (0.75)

Ā When the fruit you like is not available

1.76 (0.72)

2.50 (0.85)

Ā When you are not hungry

2.33 (1.22)

2.86 (0.93)

Ā When you do not have the desire to eat fruit

2.21 (1.16)

2.87 (0.87)