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Table 4 Changes in the diet of vulnerable groups in households during the pandemic

From: Household food security during the COVID-19 pandemic in urban and semi-urban areas in Indonesia





Pregnant women

Lactating mother

Changes in family diet


18 (16.2%)

51 (44.0%)

138 (43.0%)

50 (68.5%)

87 (46.3%)


93 (83.8%)

65 (56.0%)

183 (57.0%)

23 (31.5%)

101 (53.7%)

Changes in eating patterns that occur

 The type of food eaten is reduced

9 (50.0%)

35 (68.8%)

88 (63.8%)

30 (60.0%)

54 (62.1%)

 Reduced amount of food eaten

7 (38.9%)

10 (19.6%)

30 (21.7%)

9 (18.0%)

23 (26.4%)

 Decreased number of meals per day

1 (5.6%)

4 (7.8%)

18 (13.0%)

11 (22.0%)

9 (10.3%)

 Others (unable to buy nutritious food, eat potluck, change brands)

1 (5.6%)

2 (3.9%)

2 (1.4%)

0 (0.0%)

1 (1.1%)