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Table 1 The characteristics of the included SRs of the effects of nutritional program/interventions in HIV-positive adults

From: Nutrition interventions to address nutritional problems in HIV-positive patients: translating knowledge into practice


Policy type

Type of the study

Policy description

Primary outcome


Hong et al. [14]

Macronutrient supplementation

Systematic review and meta-analysis

Evaluation of the effects of protein-energy-fortified macronutrient supplements

Weight, BMI, fat-free mass, and CD4 count

A significant change in nutritional status and immunological response

Grobler et al. [13]

Macronutrient interventions fortified with micronutrients and nutrition counseling

Cochrane (systematic reviews)

Evaluation the effectiveness of various macronutrient interventions such as amino acids, whey protein concentration or spirulina in reducing morbidity and mortality

Weight, BMI, fat-free mass, fat mass, viral load, CD4 count, and dietary intake

A significant improvement in energy (increased energy intake by 394 kcal/day in the intervention arm) and protein intakes (increased daily protein intake by 23.25 g/day compared with no supplements) compared with no nutritional supplementation or nutrition counseling alone in adult participants with weight loss, after supplementation with macronutrient formulas providing protein and/or energy and fortified with micronutrients, in conjunction with nutrition counseling

Tesfay et al. [10]

Nutritional assessment, counseling and nutritional support

Systematic review

Impacts of nutritional assessment, counseling and nutritional support to address undernutrition

BMI, weight, and MUAC

Short-term improvements in weight-related nutritional outcomes

Mahlungulu et al. [15]

macronutrient supplementation and nutrition counseling

Cochrane (systematic reviews)

Evaluation the effectiveness of various macronutrient interventions, such as a balanced diet or high protein, high carbohydrate, or high fat diets given orally

Weight, BMI, fat-free mass, fat mass, and CD4 count

Significant improvement in energy (367 kcal day) and protein intakes (17 g day) and no evidence of an effect on body weight, fat mass, fat-free mass or CD4 count with macronutrient supplementation (with or without nutritional counseling)

Tang et al. [16]

Nutrition assessment, counseling, and support (NACS) interventions

Systematic review

Examination of data on nutrition assessment, counseling, and support (NACS) interventions on mortality, morbidity, retention in care, quality of life, and/or prevention of ongoing HIV transmission

Mortality, morbidity, retention in care, quality of life, and ongoing HIV transmission

Improvement in both short- and long-term patient retention in care and treatment, and clinical outcomes

  1. HIV human immunodeficiency virus, CD4 cluster of differentiation 4, CAM complementary and alternative medicine, NACS nutrition assessment, counseling, and support, PIs protease inhibitors, HAART highly active antiretroviral therapy treatment