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Table 1 Definitions and measurement of variables included in the models, northwest Ethiopia, 2015

From: Childhood diarrhea in high and low hotspot districts of Amhara Region, northwest Ethiopia: a multilevel modeling


Measurement of variables

Outcome variable


 Presence of childhood diarrhea

Categorized into (1) yes or (0) no

Individual-level factors (level one)

 Child factors


  Age of child (months)

Categorized into (1) 0–5, (2) 6–11; (3) 12–23; (4) 24–35; (5) 36–47; or (6) 48–59

  Sex of child

Categorized into (1) female or (2) male

  Complementary feeding at

Categorized into (1) ≥6 months or (2) <6 months

 Parents/household factors


  Relation of child

Categorized into (1) mother; (2) care giver

  Maternal age in years

Categorized into (1) 20–29; (2) 30–39; (3) 40–49 or (4) ≥50

  Educational level of mother

Categorized into (1) no formal education; (2) primary; (3) secondary; or (4) higher

  Occupation of mother

Categorized into (1) not working; (2) daily laborer; (3) farmer; or (4) employee or (5) merchant

  Number of children

Categorized into (1) 1; (2) ≥2

  Family size

Categorized into (1) ≤5; (2) >5

  Comprehensive knowledge on diarrhea

Categorized into (1) knowledgeable; (2) limited knowledge

  Methods of water drawing

Categorized into (1) deeping; (2) pouring

  Hand washing practice of six critical times

Categorized into (1) practicing three and above critical times; (2) fail to practice at least three critical times

  Presence of hand washing facility with water

Categorized into (1) yes; (2) no

  Frequency of visiting of health extension workers

Categorized into (1) once in every 3 months; (2) once in every 6 months; (3) once above 6 months

  Wealth index

Categorized into (1) poor; (2) medium; (3) rich

Community-level factors (level two)


Categorized into (1) rural or (2) urban

 Spatial heterogeneity

Categorized into (1) significant high number of childhood diarrhea (high hotspot) or (2) significant lower number of childhood diarrhea (low hotspot)

 Refuse disposal

Categorized into (1) proper (if solid wastes are burying in private or communal pit or collected by municipal service or burning); (0) improper (open fields)

 Drinking water sources

Categorized into (1) improved; (2) unimproved

 Latrine facility type

Categorized into (1) improved; (2) unimproved, (3) unavailable

 Rota vaccine status

Categorized into (1) vaccinated or (0) not vaccinated

 Measles vaccine status

Categorized into (1) vaccinated or (0) not vaccinated