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Table 1 Women’s awareness of pregnancy-related complications in the MaNHEP baseline (Jun-Aug 2010) and end line (May-Jul 2012) surveys, in Amhara and Oromiya regions, Ethiopia

From: Appropriateness and timeliness of care-seeking for complications of pregnancy and childbirth in rural Ethiopia: a case study of the Maternal and Newborn Health in Ethiopia Partnership



End line

p value

(n = 1027)

(n = 1019)

Sepsis, n (%)

219 (21)

598 (59)

< 0.001

Bleeding, n (%)

351 (34)

618 (61)

< 0.001

Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia, n (%)

207 (20)

534 (52)

< 0.001

Prolonged or obstructed labor, n (%)

116 (11)

466 (46)

< 0.001

Anemia, n (%)


141 (14)


Other, n (%)

37 (4)

162 (16)

< 0.001