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Table 7 Quantitative and qualitative findings on cord care by country

From: Neonatal care practices in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review of quantitative and qualitative data


Percent applying substances to the cord

Main reasons for application


32% used something to dress the cord [19]

35% applied something immediately after the cord is cut (27% for home and 53% for facility)

17% applied butter [31]

Help the cord dry, prevent wind from entering the baby, prevent pain and bad smell [10].

Soften and keep the cord moist, protect from wounds/infections and help heal [42]


92% applied something (home deliveries)

31% applied hospital medicine

47% applied shea butter [40]

Make the cord drop fast to reduce discomfort for mother and baby [25, 40] and make baby human [25]

Keep soft and wet to heal internal sores [40], stop bad smells [25], reduce illness and death [40]


No information

Make the cord drop fast to shorten the confinement period, keep the cord soft/moist to reduce bleeding and infection [16]


90% applied something [29]

No information


15% applied something (home delivery) [20], substances varied by district and included herbs, spirit and oil

No information


No information

Prevent infection [12]


No information

Dry the cord, prevent wind and water from entering the baby causing sickness [26]


28% applied something

8% applied traditional medicine

7% applied oil [21]

Make cord dry [43], drop fast to reduce period of vulnerability [44] and keep the baby healthy [43]


49% applied something

22% applied powder

11% applied salt water [24]

79% applied something

62% applied powder

7% salt water

6% herbs [23]

Make the cord drop fast so the mother can return to chores [30, 34], to reduce period of vulnerability and make baby human [35] and stop afterbirth pains [34]

Dry the cord [18, 34], stop the cord going bad/heal the cord/prevent infections [18, 34, 35], help the baby sleep [30]


No information

Dry the cord to make it drop fast and shorten the period of vulnerability, reduce afterbirth pains

Make the cord soft/moist to prevent cracking and bleeding, prevent and treat infection [45]