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Table 1 Interview and observation components

From: A qualitative assessment of barriers and facilitators to implementing recommended infant nutrition practices in Mumbai, India

Mother and paternal grandmother interview

• Childbirth: mental and physical experience

• Breastfeeding: time of initiation, exclusivity, attributes to breast milk, breastfeeding management

• Complementary feeding: initiation of complementary feeding, beliefs about complementary foods, snack food consumption, variety of foods given to child, complementary feeding management

• Responsive feeding: feeding situation, caregiver response to child behavior during feeding, hunger cues, child independence in feeding

• Organizational influence: compliance with FMCH recommendations, general feedback to FMCH intervention and services

In-home feeding observations

• Hygienic practices observed: hand washing with soap, washing dishes with soap, cleaning utensils and dishes before serving, sanitary disposal methods

• Meal preparation: who prepared meal, time to prepare meal; mother’s emotional tone while preparing meal

• Feeding situation: who is feeding child, placement of child during meal, child independence while eating, texture and consistency of food, caregiver’s interaction with child during feeding