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Table 4 Threshold effect analysis of serum iron on ALT in all participants and non-pregnant women using two-piecewise linear regression models

From: Association between serum iron and liver transaminases based on a large adult women population


Adjusted β (95% CI), P value

All participants

 Fitting by the standard linear model

0.026 (0.020, 0.031), < 0.001

 Fitting by the two-piecewise linear model


 Inflection point

68.00 ug/dL

  Serum iron < 68.00 ug/dL

0.062 (0.045, 0.078), < 0.001

  Serum iron > 68.00 ug/dL

0.013 (0.005, 0.021), 0.001

 Log likelihood ratio

 < 0.001

Non-pregnant women

 Fitting by the standard linear model

0.016 (0.008, 0.025), < 0.001

 Fitting by the two-piecewise linear model


 Inflection point

41.00 ug/dL

  Serum iron < 41.00 ug/dL

0.118 (0.052, 0.184), < 0.001

  Serum iron > 41.00 ug/dL

0.009 (− 0.001, 0.019), 0.063

 Log likelihood ratio


  1. For all participants, the model was adjusted for age, race, education, family income-poverty ratio, pregnancy status, BMI, alcohol drinking, smoking exposure, cholesterol, glucose, triglycerides, work activity, HBP, diabetes, and CKD. For non-pregnant women, the model was adjusted for age, race, education, family income-poverty ratio, BMI, alcohol drinking, smoking exposure, cholesterol, glucose, triglycerides, work activity, HBP, diabetes, and CKD