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Table 4 Thematic coding and proof quotes for respondents’ perception of commercials

From: Young adults’ sought gratifications from, and perceptions of food advertising by, social media influencers: a qualitative approach



Interview excerpts




Skipping the ads

Yes, I am exposed to plenty of advertising. If I am interested in the product, I continue watching; if not, I usually skip the ads. Repeated ads annoy me, so I usually don't even look at the account till the end of the day





High quality




One of the influencers is someone I adore and trust a lot. The fact that I've followed her suggestions before and been pleased with the results has given me reason to trust her. The advice she gives me is automatically accepted as good. In my opinion, what she said was correct. All of what she stated became associated in my head with being true. Honestly, she affected me in all aspects of my life

I think that the food that influencers promote is high quality, appealing, and tempting, which makes me more likely to buy it

Most of the commercials focus on the aesthetics of the meal (i.e. meal presentation and packaging), not the quality or taste. People nowadays are looking for a nice dish to photograph and share with friends

People nowadays purchase more than they need to demonstrate their status. All of this is attributable to influencer marketing

Most food commercials are fake. There is a disparity between the advertisement and the flavour of the food


Fast food



Gaining weight

In the past, I used to follow an influencer whose material was focused on unhealthy food advertisements, but I stopped doing so because I was gaining a significant amount of weight at the time. In order to lose weight, I quit following these influencers. Recently, I began to follow an influencer whose content is informative, such as historical stories. Typically, he mixes commercial goods into his content, such as dates and honey