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Table 1 Relevance of Mg deficiency in various pathological abnormalities as investigated in animal model and clinical trials

From: Correction: A narrative review on the role of magnesium in immune regulation, inflammation, infectious diseases, and cancer




↑ IL-1a, IL-6, NO, and VCAM

Mg deficiency promoted inflammation and angiogenesis. Low content of Mg provoked increased level of IL-1a, IL-6, NO, and VCAM



Decreased level of Mg in erythrocytes of atherosclerotic patients. Decreased NK cells cytotoxicity potential


Alkaline phosphatase

Reduction in dietary Mg by 50% resulted in reduced bone mineral content and the volume of distal femur


Elastin/collagen ratio

Long term Mg deficiency in diet results in cardiovascular risk in rats


Plasma IL-6, fibrinogen, and erythrocytic lysophosphatidylcholine

Long term Mg deficiency in diet of aging rats is related to high blood pressure, inflammation, and oxidative distress


CRP, IL-6, TNF-α R2, soluble VCAM-1

Dietary Mg connectivity to inflammatory biomarkers and endothelial dysfunction in post-menopausal women in a cohort study


IL-8, NF-kB

Potential interplay of NF-kB and PPARY in cultured human endothelial cells


IL-1, IL-6, and TNF-alpha

Dietary Mg deficiency was induced in rodents to execute inflammatory responses as evidenced with high levels of ILs in circulation


ROS, ↑ 8-hydroxy-deoxyguanine, and ↑ IL-1 and IL-6

Low Mg was related to aging, oxidative distress, atherosclerosis, and other vascular disorders


Markers not reported

Mg sulfate reduced asthma in patients not responding to conventional medicine and steroidal drugs. Similarly, 68% of children hospitalization was reduced by Mg sulfate


Markers not reported

Intravenous administration of Mg sulfate reduced acute asthmatic inflammation when not responded to the first-line treatment


IL-6, ↑ alpha2-macroglobulin and alpha1-acid glycoprotein and ↑ fibrinogen

Inflammatory responses in response to acute deficient Mg in rat


↓ IL-6, CRP, and NF-kB

Clinically, Mg was recommended in covid-19 infected patients


Serum Mg level

No positive correlation between Mg deficiency and covid-19 infected myocardial diseases


A comprehensive review report

Mg deficiency is linked to diabetes, heart failure, and other cardiac issues


  1. CRP C-reactive protein, IL interleukin, Mg magnesium, MCP-1 monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, NF-kB nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells, NO nitric oxide, RANTES regulated upon activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted, ROS reactive oxygen species, TNF tumor necrosis factor, VCAM vascular cell adhesion molecule