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Table 4 Average daily intake of dietary nutrients in children aged 5–12 years according to the refractive error status

From: Nutritional intake, environmental factors, and their impact on myopia prevalence in Korean children aged 5–12 years


Myopia (n = 14,944)

Emmetropia (n = 7790)

Hyperopia (n = 1611)


Energy (kcal)

1967.11 (5.36)a,2)

1894.81 (7.44)b

1831.88 (16.18)c

 < .0001

Carbohydrate (g)

298.04 (0.38)a

286.88 (0.52)b

293.69 (1.14)c

 < .0001

Protein (g)

66.67 (0.13)a

66.79 (0.19)a

65.99 (0.40)a


Fat (g)

51.05 (0.14)a

55.47 (0.20)b

52.46 (0.44)c

 < .0001

Cholesterol (mg)

300.32 (1.66)a

278.19 (2.31)b

310.51 (5.03)a

 < .0001

N-3 fatty acid (g)

1.30 (0.01)a

1.37 (0.01)b

1.36 (0.02)ab

 < .0001

Calcium (mg)

470.03 (1.70)a

457.80 (2.36)b

529.23 (5.13)c

 < .0001

Phosphorus (mg)

1015.24 (1.73)a

977.37 (2.41)b

1029.27 (5.24)c

 < .0001

Iron (mg)

14.20 (0.05)a

13.19 (0.07)b

13.28 (0.16)b

 < .0001

Sodium (mg)

2912.65 (8.82)a

2644.88 (12.24)b

2760.13 (26.64)c

 < .0001

Potassium (mg)

2564.12 (6.59)a

2280.39 (9.15)b

2403.13 (19.91)c

 < .0001

Vitamin A (μgRE)

415.33 (4.05)a

327.38 (5.63)b

381.79 (12.25)c

 < .0001

β-carotene (μg)

3244.31 (47.39)a

2130.73 (65.78)b

2671.63 (143.19)c

 < .0001

Retinol (μg)

144.97 (0.97)a

149.82 (1.34)b

159.15 (2.92)c

 < .0001

Vitamin C (mg)

86.03 (0.71)a

69.33 (0.98)b

65.82 (2.13)b

 < .0001

Energy distribution

% Carbohydrate

62.99 (0.06)a

61.40 (0.09)b

62.31 (0.20)c

 < .0001

% Protein

13.80 (0.03)a

13.85 (0.04)a

13.58 (0.08)b

 < .0001

% Fat

23.21 (0.06)a

24.75 (0.08)b

24.11 (0.17)c

 < .0001

  1. a,b,cSame letters indicate a non-significant difference between the groups based on the Scheffe multiple comparison test
  2. 1)Different between groups at α = 0.05 by ANCOVA test adjusted for age, sex, BMI and energy(except energy)
  3. 2)Age, sex, bmi and energy-adjusted least squares means (LSmeans)