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Table 2 Outline, educational content and method of educational intervention

From: Nutrition self-efficacy intervention to improve nutritional status of Iranian older adults


Intervention method

Intervention’s instruction


PowerPoint, lecture, rain of thoughts, group discussion and pamphlets and poster

Introduction and acquaintance with group members

Familiarity with the need for proper nutrition in old age according to age

The importance of having a proper body mass in the health of the older adults

Nutritional differences in the older adults


PowerPoint, lecture, rain of thoughts, group discussion and pamphlets and poster

Causes of malnutrition in the older adults

Risks of malnutrition and malnutrition in the older adults

Proper principles of malnutrition prevention

The role of nutrition in disease prevention

Nutritional needs in the older adults

Types of food groups (5 food groups)


Group discussion, pamphlets and posters

The role of self-efficacy programs in improving nutritional status

Personal abilities in improving nutritional status

Training in muscle relaxation

Ways to remove barriers to nutritional improvement in old age


PowerPoint, lecture, rain of thoughts, group discussion and pamphlets and poster

Useful tips for proper nutrition

Provide alternative behaviors to having a proper diet

Ways to succeed in having a balanced diet